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Tenure Appeals 

For information on Tenure see Board Policy Manual Section 2-3-902.

Board Policy Manual Section 2-3-902(7) Tenure Appeals Committee.
(a) The tenure appeals committee shall consist of two faculty representatives from each college, excluding University College, and one from the University Libraries. Representatives shall serve a two-year term. Elections shall be held annually so that one member of each college is elected each year. Elections will be conducted by the Faculty Senate and will be held during the spring semester. Terms of office will begin with the next academic year. The Committee shall select its own chair and establish its own bylaws which must be approved by the Faculty Senate.

(b) The function of the tenure appeals committee is to review appeals from a faculty member who believes that the evaluation by his or her program area faculty was not consistent with the program area’s approved criteria or evaluation process, which resulted in a negative recommendation for tenure.

(c) Appeals must be filed within ten working days of notification of the program area’s decision. The Committee shall conclude its deliberations within twenty working days after receipt of an appeal. [See also 1-2-101 General Provisions.]

(d) If the committee finds by majority vote that the program area faculty’s evaluation is consistent with its approved criteria and evaluation process, tenure is denied. The appellant as well as the department chair/school director/program coordinator will be notified. In all other cases the committee’s decision, accompanied by reasons, will be forwarded to the department chair/school director/program coordinator, as well as to the evaluatee, and the evaluation process will resume as described in 2-3-801.

2024-2025 Tenure Appeals Committee | Bylaws
Darcy Copeland - NHS, 24-26
Stephanie Evers - HSS, 23-25
Abe Harraf - MCB, 24-26
Gary Heise, Chair - NHS, 23-25
Brian Iannacchione , HSS, 23-25
Dana Landry - PVA, 24-26
Andrea Moon -  PVA, 21-23
Jennifer Murdock-Bishop - EBS, 24-26
Dawit Senbet - HSS, 24-26
James Kole  - EBS, 24-25
William Wilcox - MCB, 23-25

To file a Tenure Appeal, please contact faculty.senate@c178.net.